
How to Create a Responsive HTML Email Template: 13 Steps

The use of responsive HTML email templates is one aspect of email marketing that hasn’t altered. Creating HTML emails is akin to breaking the norms of web design, thus we made the decision to develop a few tips for our audience. I’m going to give some advice today on how to deal with compatibility issues that can arise between various email programs and devices. Maintaining a relevant message is essential for reaching out to mobile users and providing excellent customer service. This infographic explains why mobile responsive SEO is necessary.
Source: Slideshare
Get ready to examine the following 13 tips for creating amazing responsive HTML email templates:

Employ Small Image Sizes in Appropriate Layouts

Two reasons exist for you to choose a small picture size and consider going image-free: The majority of email clients either remove the graphics or leave them off by default. The inconsistent Internet bandwidth is the second cause. They still have no practical impact, but you can still employ them as complimentary elements. For improved visibility, align all of the text on the right and move the images to the left. Refrain from utilizing backdrop pictures.

Employ Alt Text Suitably

Alt Text is helpful in the event that your image fails to load. Because many email clients don’t display Alt Text above two lines, try to keep it as brief as possible. Additionally, I suggest styling your alt text with specific alignment, font size, and color matching the image. It makes your message more effective.

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Write Code Using HTML Tables and Nest Them

The incompatibility of div tags in emails is another area where problems may arise. To get around this issue, utilize the table tags. Additionally, each email client has different interpretation margins and padding, so layering your tables up to a maximum of 8 is a challenging but useful tactic.

Employ inline CSS

External style sheets are viewed as possible risks by major ISPs. Because not all email clients support contemporary CSS elements, place the elements inside of your HTML and avoid using them. Add the attribute to every element in its corresponding tag, including tables, to make sure that syntactical errors won’t affect how your message renders.

Incorporate Call to Action Button Wisely

The CTA button will always be easily identifiable thanks to excellent HTML email code. Your call to action (CTA) should be more prominently displayed, and their sizes should ideally remain greater than average. As we previously spoke about, utilizing an image as a call to action could go horribly wrong, so avoid doing so. Because people dislike tapping or clicking on “click here” calls to action, “Contact Us” or “Buy Now” are direct calls to action that encourage action. If your message is lengthy, it’s acceptable to repeat your call to action since it improves user experience. Your CTA button should be at least 44×44 pixels in order to accommodate mobile subscribers and be easily tappable with the thumb.

Increase Your Logo’s Size by Twofold

Double-click the logo to place it at the top of your message. Although I am aware that I recommended against using high picture sizes, there is one exception: logos. In terms of picture and element size, designers typically skim through emails, leaving call-to-action buttons and logos large enough.

Observe The Limit of 600px Width

A lot of email applications limit the width of their preview panes to 600 pixels. Additionally, some email programs display the message on a side screen, which likewise restricts the area to 600 pixels. The unwritten rule that helps with any screen-provider combo is to limit your table tag/CSS width attribute to 600px.

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Adhere to a Single Column Template Layout

A single column layout is advantageous for both consumers and designers. One column makes the material straightforward to format for designers and makes it easier to read on mobile devices. They have a stronger visual impact, although in certain circumstances, you can add up to three columns. To make creating simple and quick, I also suggest using a grid. Take a quick look at this emailer from Tinker Watches to observe how well the single-column style works:

Make Use Of F Layout And HTML Standard Fonts

Although I am aware that many businesses create their own custom fonts, using them in email templates is not a smart idea. The alignment will be jumbled even if the custom font’s size differs from the default fonts. Since standard fonts like Arial, Verdana, and Georgia are compatible with all operating systems, devices, and email programs, I highly advise utilizing them. For optimal effects, you can maintain the text size at roughly 13 or 14 pixels. Use the F layout for your text since it facilitates skimming and adheres to the natural reading sequence. Take a look at the heat map below to see how our eyes travel over any given piece of content.

Utilize Preheader Content

Preheader text functions similarly to an email’s meta description. A 40–50 word preheader is always a good idea because it gives the receivers immediate context and helps them determine whether or not to open your message. To increase your open rates, make it succinct, understandable, and interesting.

Include Media Inquiries

This is an example of an inline CSS method that shows optional codes on certain devices. The 600px*480px layout guideline is what you should adhere to in order to support devices with varying resolutions and orientations. This is essential to making your design responsive, and it will always be adhered to. The impact of media queries and how they help you optimize your messages for all screen sizes and orientations are seen in the following figure.

Avert Stacking Links And Menu Bars

It is always important to remember that, in contrast to using a mouse to click, people tap on the screens of their smartphones, which is not position-sensitive. Therefore, menu bars are a total no-no since they cause more harm than benefit. For the same reason, stacking links to your social network handles is not a good idea. To prevent your viewers from clicking on links by accident and becoming irritated, avoid placing them near together.


Examine How Email Appearances on Various Platforms And Devices


It is imperative that you test your email template on a variety of email clients and devices. Furthermore, it might be time-consuming to test across browsers and ensure compatibility with all popular webmail clients. Thus, give a tool like Litmus some thought. More than thirty popular email clients are supported, including Yahoo, Google, Outlook, and AOL. It displays your email on Mac and Windows platforms. It also covers Android and iOS simultaneously on smartphones and tablets. Follow the instructions provided by The Emails Standards Project to confirm that your code complies with industry best practices.


I’ve made an effort to include nearly all of the helpful suggestions, and I’d like to draw attention to two themes that run through them all: compatibility and simplicity. Even while we all want to give it our all, we also need to make sure that our efforts are in line with the user experience. It is our responsibility as designers to make the reader’s trip as easy and predictable as we can. I hope these 13 pointers will come in handy while you’re creating your next HTML email template that is responsive.

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