
Top 5 Mobile App Development Trends

As technology progresses, mobile app development as a specialization is getting increasingly competitive. Heavily impacted by new tech stacks arriving on the market and trends trying to disrupt what we know so far, businesses around the United States must find a method to maintain development.

The end goal is to retain user engagement with upgrades and enhanced features while at the same time remaining focused on providing memorable experiences for users. What could businesses anticipate from mobile app development in 2022? Read on to find out more:

Mobile App Development Trends to look out in 2022;

1. Augmented reality & VR will continue to dominate the market

The way people engage with the software will continue to impact the mobile app development market in 2022. As increasingly more devices will be driven by VR and AR technology, organizations should focus more on producing smart apps that can exceed customer expectations.

By 2023, a forecast by Digi-Capital pinpoints that AR technology would approach $70 billion in revenue. Gaming apps, in example, are already integrating AR/VR to create real-life experiences for end-users, and the trend will soon enough move to applications in many industries, including manufacturing, retail, healthcare, and more.

2. Cloud-based mobile apps on the increase

Cloud computing as technology has acquired a lot of traction throughout 2021. As enterprises are shifting their data to the cloud to reap the benefits, cloud-based applications are also rising in popularity.

One of the key benefits of the cloud is decreased operational costs and hosting, improved performance, scalable infrastructure, more storage, and increased overall productivity. Popular apps like Google Drive and Dropbox, for example, have already made the move. Others will follow in 2022 as more organizations understand the promise of cloud computing.

Mobile App Development Trends to look out in 2022

3. Big Data, the ultimate way to increase operations

Tech giants like Amazon, Netflix, American Express, and Capital One, are already harnessing the potential of big data to optimize operations, better customer experience, and retain engagement. By 2022, mobile app download will climb to about 260 billion, which clearly suggests that high-level analytics and structured data are helping organizations keep their competitive advantage.
In terms of technologies utilized by developers, Tableau, Cloudera, Spark, Hive, and Hadoop are just some examples that help build stronger, more powerful apps with incredible integration and features that exceed consumer expectations.

4. In-app chatbots, AI, and deep learning

Artificial intelligence has managed to revolutionize the way consumers use mobile apps for over 10 years. However, to make the most of AI in a business environment, company leaders must invest more and become more receptive to the idea of embedding AI into their mobile applications.

To be able to entice the user and deliver the finest in-app experience, chatbots and deep learning technology should be used as well. For 2022, the focus will be on altering experiences. Users want to be thrilled to stay involved, which means that now is the greatest moment to entice them with clever mobile applications.

5. Blockchain for future Mobile Apps

The benefits of blockchain technology stretch beyond the financial industry. For mobile app development, it can be utilized to store massive volumes of data. A recent poll by Deloitte on 1,000 firms in 7 countries, brought up the readiness of company leaders to embrace blockchain technology in operations. In fact, 34% of the respondents said that they already have a blockchain-based system in place, while 41% anticipated to start adopting one in the years to come.

The demand for smarter, more innovative mobile applications will continue to expand in 2022. With over 5 million mobile apps available in app stores, global adoption is closer than predicted. To stay competitive, organizations and business executives across the United States, and the world, must start applying smarter tactics as soon as possible.

Whether those strategies are to partner up with a competent app development company in Dallas to streamline processes, or implement new technologies in house, the key to business success in 2022 is all about taking risks, making changes, and acknowledging that digital transformation is happening whether we like it or not.

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