
Adding an SSL Certificate to Your Website Has Four Benefits

Do you want hackers or cybercriminals to assault your website?
Do you want them to take your money and business?

If not, get your website a Wildcard SSL certificate. Installing an SSL (Secured Socket Layer) certificate has become essential for all websites in the modern world. In actuality, the majority of websites encrypt data using SSL certificates to protect it from fraudsters, hackers, and other online criminals.

About SSL Encryption & Security: To protect data saved on websites, SSL security employs the RSA (Rivest–Shamir–Adleman) encryption mechanism in the form of certificates. RSA encryption is based on a cryptosystem, which encrypts data using cryptographic techniques and algorithms.

The sender encrypts their message using the public key and transmits it using the asymmetric cryptography technique depicted in the image above. In order to decrypt the message, the recipient on the other end utilizes a private key that he owns. This is among the safest ways to send data.

Installing an SSL certificate on your website entails 2048-bit encryption security. The strongest SHA-256, 2048-bit encryption, is used to encrypt all data sent between servers and browsers, and it is compatible with 99.9% of mobile and web browsers. Cybercriminals find it increasingly harder to decode the private data, which makes it easier for them to browse other websites with nefarious purpose.

About SSL Types & Brands: Different business demands are catered to by different brands and types of SSL certificates. Let’s quickly glance at a few of them.

SSL for Single Domains: Protects just one domain name
Secures numerous domains and subdomains with multi-domain SSL.
Wildcard SSL: Provides unrestricted subdomain security for your domain.
Domain Validation SSL, or DV SSL, secures and verifies the domain name.
Organization Validation SSL (OV SSL) verifies the existence of the organization and safeguards the whole enterprise, reassuring visitors that your website is secure. SSL: Extended Validation SSL checks a company’s legal identification, who owns the domain, and confirms business facts with a third party.
For your website’s security, SSL brands (Comodo, DigiCert, Thawte, etc.) offer warranties, infinite server licenses, infinite reissues, and round-the-clock customer assistance.

You should by now have a good idea of the security that an SSL certificate offers for your website. Let us examine some of the advantages of implementing SSL on your website.

Benefits of installing an SSL certificate include:
PCI Compliance & Data Encryption:

As previously stated, SSL protects data transferred between servers and browsers using robust encryptions. All sensitive data, including passwords, bank account details, PINs, credit card numbers, ATM numbers, and customer information, is safeguarded on your desktop computers.

In addition to protecting your personal data, protecting customer data and other financial transactions conducted by clients is crucial for every business e-commerce website.

Customers making online payments are at risk from MITM (Man in the Middle) attacks. When consumers submit their credit card numbers and passwords during an online transaction or for any other reason, cybercriminals wait to take advantage of them. If the data is in a raw format, they can intercept and misuse it. Accordingly, an SSL certificate is required by PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) for e-commerce websites.

Only an authorized decryption key can unlock encrypted data in SSL. Cybercriminals cannot counterfeit or steal information when encryption is in place.

SEO Ranking: Since Google enjoys offering its visitors secure websites, it has used SSL certificate security sites as a ranking criteria in SEO.

This massive search engine behemoth thrives on providing its consumers with the greatest search results and experimenting with various ranking algorithms, one of which is SSL certificate security for websites.

Make sure that your website’s pages are completely secured with an SSL certificate, as Google announces results based on pages rather than sites. Make sure the certificate is installed correctly. If you’re still unsure, you can always contact the corresponding SSL brand for professional assistance.

Sign of Trust: Customers seek out reliable websites to conduct business with since they are wary and aware of the global prevalence of cyber-thefts. They approach no site without first looking at the primary trust factors. When an SSL certificate is implemented on a website, trust signals such as a green padlock and “https” in the address bar are shown.

An further benefit is that some brand SSL certificates include a site seal, which might be static or dynamic. This site seal, which is displayed on many website pages, makes an immediate connection with customers and instills a sense of safety and confidence in them. Because of these trust cues, users are more likely to return to the secure website, which boosts sales for the company.

Preventing Phishing Attacks: Phishing attacks are ones in which a con artist impersonates a reliable source in order to trick the target into clicking on a phony link or identical email in order to further his evil goals. Cybercriminals steal domain names, but they cannot steal websites; instead, they obtain a nearly identical domain name to deceive consumers. Furthermore, it is to their advantage that we typically don’t closely examine the domain name before clicking on an email link.

Given the increase in phishing and MITM assaults, SSL certificates serve as a kind of shield for websites that fall under this category. Similar websites can be made by fraudsters, but duplicate SSL certificates are impossible. At that point, the attack is stopped and the loss is reversed.

In situations like these, EV SSL functions best and serves as evidence of the legitimacy of the business and the website.

In conclusion, why is an SSL certificate necessary for my website? All the answers to your questions are in this article. Invest in an SSL certificate and install it on your website since it is necessary to protect your critical data.

There are many advantages to installing an SSL certificate on your website. In actuality, they assist you in keeping your website’s personal data out of the incorrect hands, sparing your company from suffering financial losses. This emblem representing safety, security, and trust is a favorite among site visitors. This will therefore result in a rise in sales for the company, recommendations, and repeat business. Now go get your SSL.

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