
How Can Employees Be Trained to Support Your Company’s Digital Transformation?

How Can Employees Be Trained to Support Your Company’s Digital Transformation?

With technology developing at a never-before-seen rate and businesses needing to maximize production and efficiency, digital transformation is sweeping the industry.

The most important stakeholders in digital transformation that propels change in firms are the employees. Encouragement and motivation are essential because the more employees accept the functional and cultural change, the more likely it is that your company will succeed in its digital transformation efforts.

Employers who want to prepare their workforce for the digital shift tend to concentrate on bringing on fresh talent who understands the newest tech and can lead the company through the transition with ease. However, it’s crucial to maintain senior and older employees’ engagement as you integrate the newest technologies and digital transformation offerings. You lose their years of experience, wisdom, and insight as soon as they stop being involved.

So, how can you prepare your staff for your company’s digital transformation? Let’s investigate below.

Respond to worries and provide a “why”?

Engage your staff first and foremost, and be prepared to field a lot of questions. Given how digital transformation impacts employees’ day-to-day work, it becomes sense that they would have inquiries like,


  • Is my place of employment safe?
  • How will I be affected by the change?
  • What happens if I can’t adapt to the changes?

Making your staff aware of the bigger picture of digital transformation is the next step once you have allayed their worries. It is important to clearly communicate the “why” behind your company’s digital transformation efforts, whether it is to increase profit, increase productivity, or achieve some other goal. Since everyone will be crucial to the success of the innovation, you also need to make it extremely apparent that all staff members need to be on board and in sync.

Set an example for others to follow.

Start by pushing senior employees to adopt the newest digital channels and platforms. Senior members are better able to create their own digital plans and roadmaps for their departments when they are encouraged to investigate the potential of emerging digital platforms and trends. It also serves as an example for other team members, encouraging them to try new things and adopt a growth-oriented digital culture.

Cooperate and communicate

Effective communication is essential for the success of any change endeavor. It’s critical to have an open dialogue at all times. Every employee should be involved in the open discussion, which should take place at all organizational levels. Senior personnel should always consider the opinions of their staff regarding digital enhancements they would like to see implemented in their environment.


For example, a retail company recently found out what the largest pain point was for its staff. The employees admitted that having to keep clients waiting while they looked up inventory information was their largest source of frustration due to the lack of real-time information to address their questions. Workers recommended putting tablets with real-time data access in place. Senior management put the system in place because their feedback was crucial, and the transition was effective.

Spend money on training

Organizations pursuing digital transformation frequently struggle with the digital skills gap. Consequently, it is essential to put in place a comprehensive training program for staff members at all job levels. In addition to assisting them in learning the necessary skills, this will give them confidence that technology will improve their life. Here’s how you can move closer to it:


Assess the current skill set of your staff members.

Determine whether your workforce is prepared to handle the digital change; if not, you might want to hire some new personnel.

  • Examine the courses that will enhance the employees’ current skill set.
  • Provide personnel with on-the-job training.
  • Link professional aspirations to digital transformation.


Connecting the digital transformation to employees’ KPIs and career objectives is a fantastic method to further inspire them. For example, instead of linking a worker’s progress to conventional KPIs when they anticipate a promotion, include a relevant digital objective. The employee will be encouraged to adopt digital technologies much more quickly as a result.

Maintain a thorough deployment strategy.


Plan a thorough deployment and rollout strategy that includes a transition period to help staff get used to new technology. Throughout the first few weeks of utilizing the new solution, your rollout and deployment plan should include feedback sessions and practical support in addition to training. Here are a few methods for achieving this:


Maintain communication with your team during the deployment process. One way to monitor the progress of things could be to hold stand-up meetings every ten minutes.

Encourage any team that has a success story to share it. Record the insights gained and distribute them to other groups. The more you can demonstrate to your staff the advantages of how technology is changing your business, the more readily they will accept change.

Perform structured evaluations, such as questionnaires, interviews, and town hall gatherings, to ascertain the impact of digital transformation on staff members. Having constant input might help you improve your plans because digital transformation is a lengthy process that can take months or even years to finish.

In the end, digital transformation involves more than merely implementing new technologies. It’s the way a business sets itself up, supports change, invests in training, and cultivates a culture of growth among the workforce.

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