
The Top 4 Practical Advices for Improved Amazon Keyword Research

With an unmatched Google presence that makes it tough for merchants to gain traction and a significant volume of direct online traffic, Amazon continues to rule the e-commerce industry . Vendors and sellers must ensure that their products appear at the top of Amazon’s product results.


It is crucial to regularly check your keyword utilization, regardless of your experience level as a Vendor or Seller on Amazon.  Four excellent suggestions for improving Amazon Keyword Research have been compiled from the web. Visit the information center for additional advice for Amazon Sellers and Amazon Vendors.

Take Advantage of Rival Keywords

The best-selling competitors in those categories’ product categories can provide you with direct keyword inspiration if you know which ones your product falls into or will fall into.

See the following sources for suggestions on keywords:

Product names, descriptions, and FAQs

Make Use of the Amazon Search Box

Using Amazon’s search box as a guide, you can find even more search terms if you’ve compiled a list of Amazon keywords, synonyms, and related terms. Just enter each of these terms into the search bar, then take notice of the results that Amazon provides:

Sort and Order Your Keywords

Tossing all the keywords you’ve found into the hidden keywords sections, product descriptions, and titles is way too simple. However, since there isn’t much room for it, it is considerably more crucial to use the best keywords—those that turn visitors into paying clients.

You will need to be able to prioritize and categorize your keywords so that you can find these.

Both search volume and competitiveness can be used to order keywords:


  • High volume of searches and fierce rivalry
  • Low competition and a high amount of searches
  • Minimal volume of searches, minimal competition
  • Low volume of searches, fierce competition

In general, you should stay away from items 4 on the list as they won’t be profitable. Once you’ve made a name for yourself in Amazon product search results, the other spots are worth being in, starting at number 3 and working your way back up to the top.


You must utilize an Amazon Keyword Research tool to find search volumes and keyword competitiveness. These can be obtained for free, through a subscription model, or by paying an Amazon Vendor Agency to do the task for you on a project-by-project basis as needed.


Repetition and frequent review

Researching keywords for Amazon is a continuous process. It is imperative that you repeat your keyword research procedure on a regular basis in order to be competitive and stay ahead of the ever-changing search trends.


It will be necessary for you to choose which products are worth your time, so utilizing Amazon analytics programs and examining product search results will be helpful in determining where to spend your efforts and in what order.

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