
Revised Key Elements of a Mobile Classifieds App

For a variety of services, people used to rely on the “Yellow Pages” directory decades ago. Since the internet has become an indispensable aspect of our life, such directories have been incorporated into the digital age. Furthermore, when technology is used to its full potential, individuals gain power. The advent of classified advertisements has simplified our ability to look for and obtain local services.


Portals for classified ads are a popular option for people these days. Due to its advantages and variety of models, the current classified advertisements platform is preferred by many entrepreneurs. The majority of small company owners and entrepreneurs are using classified ads portals since they are free to build, allow any product or service to be placed for sale, allow customers to simply examine the goods without registering, and allow buyers to be in direct touch with sellers. Now let’s examine how advertising portals make money.

The Production of Revenue

Getting a membership subscription is the most popular way to generate income from spinning. The meeting of buyers and sellers for commercial purposes is a basic business model. There are three more popular revenue generating modules on the list. Look them over below:

Google Marketing

Google advertising are a common way to make money. Google is where many classified ad portals post their ads. This allows for the placement of advertisements on the homepage or product page, based on the user’s desire. It obviously translates into more goods, more advertisements, and massive Google Adsense money generating.

Requirements Payment

Paid alternatives are also used by several classified ad portals to increase visibility. The user must purchase a package from a website building business in order to do this. This is a commonly used strategy for making money all around the world.


This module is appropriate for firms that want to be highlighted and advertise on the internet. Various plans are offered and can be purchased for the purpose of displaying advertisements on a certain online space. The advertisement banner would not move from the designated area; it would stay stationary.

It’s crucial to keep in mind that a site for classified ads operates locally. Setting and reaching the target audience so becomes simple.

Features of the Homepage

Only in Facebook postings, Instagram stories, and fake social media accounts do admirers of attractive faces exist. Beautiful faces are preferred in the actual world, and this is also true in the virtual one. Given the competition, your website wouldn’t be able to react with a badly designed homepage. However, this does not imply that the site needs to be extremely ornate. The message should be clearly conveyed via its banner. The characteristics must to be similar to:

Different Sections-Different Ads

The majority of recent promotions can be usefully modified by recording them in many categories. The customer will benefit from this by being able to locate ads that are normally relevant to him quickly.

High-end advertisements

Create a clear path on the landing page for premium promotions. This will contribute to creating a shared revenue source. On the landing page of your aggregated site, include a section dedicated to premium adverts to generate additional revenue without detracting from the user experience.

Benefits for Vendors

The site for classified ads ought to be simpler. This will make it easier to post the advertisement. Here are some suggestions for coming up with a faultless set of features to be included.

Uploading a Commercial

Certain items on the form must be present on the website in order to post an advertisement. Included ought to be the following:

  1. Title of the Ad; Section for uploading images
  2. Section with links to YouTube video clips
  3. An explanation of the good or service
  4. Current state of available discounts and deals
  5. Extra payment options
  6. All contact information
  7. Verification via Mobile
  8. Verifying the account of the person who is publishing an advertisement is essential. An OTP verification can be used to complete this process, and it will be delivered to the registered mobile number.

Tool for Ads and User Profile Administration

The dashboard that is given can be utilized to conveniently manage all advertisements as soon as a seller pins a product on the website. Among its highlights are:

  1. Adding, removing, and promoting the posted advertisement
  2. monitoring the quantity of views an advertisement receives
  3. comprehensive log of an advertisement’s reach and user interaction

Features for Purchasers

Let’s now examine how your listed website ought to entice each and every buyer visitor.

Lookup Function

The central axis of the classified advertisements portal supporting the frame is the search function. The following characteristics ought to be present:


  1. prompt recommendations
  2. Suggestions for categories and related keywords
  3. A search function for a particular range
  4. Option for location filter

Bookmarks & Saved

Web designers creating classified ads portals can save people’s hassles by including this option. By including this, users will be able to save the advertisements they have watched and save them for later use. If it were included, there would be no need to search repeatedly.

Including the Location

The innovation will make it easier for users to find the seller’s location on the homepage. The location feature, which can get rid of the spam, must be added.

Notifying Us of Classified Ads

Identifying phony and dubious classified ads on classified ads platforms is a challenging task. Designers should therefore include the option to report classified advertisements. This function is used by most Indian classified ad portals to filter out false or misleading ads.

Section for Client Support

Last but not least, the Golden Brick that is not to be overlooked is the customer assistance area. When a person visits your classified advertisements page, they may have questions and look for answers on the spot. For a better user experience, you should therefore include a CS section with bot-chat, FAQs, and executive chat.

The Final Word

Once merely concepts, classified advertisements portals such as Quickr and OLX have evolved into one of India’s top classified websites. Everything about them, from the user experience to the website framework, sets them apart from the competition! If you’re planning to launch a classified advertisements portal, website, or app, make sure you weigh all the options before making your decision. Create the app or website without any gaps by using the following advice.

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