
WordPress site security in seven easy steps

Nowadays, data is the new oil, thus protecting your WordPress website is essential. There is always a chance that malicious software or data theft may be attempted by bots looking for weaknesses in the system. Nowadays, digital security is crucial. Despite WordPress’ inherent security, there are a few obstacles you should overcome to ensure the security of your website. Prior to that, let’s examine the vulnerabilities you should be aware of and the simplest seven steps you can take to prevent data leaks and other security problems.

Is WordPress secure right now?

Since WordPress is by far the most widely used platform for website creation, bad actors from all over the world attack it. WordPress is a massive content management system, despite being secure in its own right. It receives regular updates from individuals committed to maintaining a safer platform, helping it to overcome its flaws. However, issues occur when a user neglects to update WordPress Core, plugins, or themes on a regular basis, which should guarantee more dependable use. Statistics show that only 62% of users are still using WordPress versions that have been updated. The WordPress security team performs an excellent job, but you should never take the chance of not updating to the latest version as soon as it becomes available.

Securing a WordPress Website:

To maintain security, any website developer should adhere to these general procedures.


Select a reliable host:

The foundation for creating a safe website is a managed and reliable WordPress hosting. It is important to never undervalue this phase. An excellent host improves site administration and offers the highest level of protection for consumer and business-sensitive data. Your payment gateway is additionally secured by secure hosting if a payment method is used.

Configuring a Socket Layer Security

Understanding the distinction between HTTP and HTTPS is crucial for security protocols. By preventing hackers from accessing website data, HTTPS validates websites that defend against Man-in-the-Middle attacks.

The main purpose of SSL is to encrypt data being exchanged between networks. Passwords, credit card information, and other private data are all protected. SSL verifies the security of your website, establishes authentication, and fosters user confidence. As previously mentioned, SSL is necessary to meet Payment Card Industry (PCI) standards.

Employ the most recent versions of plugins and themes: These are typically safer options. Therefore, pick themes and plugins that have had at least one update in the previous six months. Examine the feedback left by users who have installed and used them. That says more than the self-promotional themes and plugins. Since six months is a decent amount of time, a theme or plugin is most likely not maintained if it hasn’t been updated by then. To assist you with the same, you might as well select and sign up for a maintenance service plan.

Safeguard login-related pages: Securing your login page should be the first step in securing your website. The entry point for every attack is the login page. You might limit user login, modify the URL of your WordPress login page, use stronger passwords, set up CAPTCHA codes, and prevent simple attempts at attack, among other things, to safeguard it.

Include activity or audit logs: Audit logs allow you to peruse and record the activities that take place on your websites. It also notifies you if someone tries to access your account by any other means or by cracking your login page. In the unlikely event that a security breach occurs, they assist you in identifying its origin. It also lets you know that the intrusion attempt was most likely made by a bot if the same IP address was used.

Managing authorization and permissions for users: Consistently enforce appropriate user roles. Equipping someone with the same amount of access as you do can lead to an unorganized and dangerous website. Therefore, provide permission in accordance with responsibilities as follows:

Administrator: Everything is accessible to the administrator alone.

Editor: This editor has the ability to edit content, comments, and related settings but not themes or plugins.

Author: Able to add, amend, and remove posts.

Contributor: He alone has the ability to edit and remove his own posts.

Subscriber: Has the ability to read and comment on your content.

To change user roles, you can activate a number of plugins.

Setting up WordPress dashboard Whitelist access:

To ensure that only particular people can access the back end of your website, whitelist particular IP addresses. For the users who don’t have a static address, you will need to regularly update fresh IP addresses to the list. You will also require a static IP address of your own to guarantee that you do not lose access. By using a Virtual Private Network (VPN), you can get around it. Updating the.htaccess file might be helpful and is a simple task.


Some Key Takeaways: WordPress security isn’t that complex, even though it could take some time depending on the methods you choose. The majority of the above-mentioned actions don’t need to be maintained or take much time. You can rely on dependable and high-quality maintenance services like WordPress Experts and WordPress emergency Services, starting with choices as simple as selecting a trustworthy host. We integrate cutting-edge plugins, periodically maintain them, give you care plans, and look over all of your WordPress settings to tailor them to your requirements.

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